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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Creating a Homemade Valentine Wreath

Valentine's Day is the day that we honor those whom we admire, our boyfriends, girlfriends, and spouses. There is probably no other holiday as full of excitement, romance, and sentimental value as Valentine's Day. Reserved as a special day for our sweethearts, many people choose to add home décor and furnishings to surround themselves with that sentimental meaning behind Valentine's Day. You can create a homemade Valentine wreath that can last from year to year and be proudly displayed upon a wall or over the fireplace. There are many different crafts that have patterns and you can easily find a pattern for the hobby of your choice.

First you will need to determine your hobby. Do you knit or crochet? Do you like to work with clay? You can even create a gorgeous Valentine's wreath simply by sewing and stuffing hearts together. You can cut out a nice red heart patterned material and stitch hearts together. You can also use various textured fabrics such as satins and silks, and use pastel shimmery colors. If you knit or crochet, you can find a heart shaped pattern and use rosy colored yarns to create luxurious heart wreaths. You may find a pattern that is made out of many hearts assembled into one heart shaped wreath, or one large heart that is knitted or crocheted out of plush yarn

One of the most popular materials used for creating a Valentine Wreath, is the grapevine heart wreath. This wreath is made out of grapevines and the vines are washed, soaked in water until they become supple, then twisted into the wreath shape. You can easily purchase a grapevine heart wreath at our local craft and hobby store, or if you have access to grapevines, you can wash and shape them yourself. If you have other vines available, you can also try using them.

After you have either purchased or created your wreath, you can then embellish your Valentine's wreath with any item you choose. Equipped with a glue gun and your decorations, you can then beautify your wreath according to your liking. If you are a sentimental person, you can choose to use items such as pictures from cards, or other items and hot glue them to the wreath. Little hearts, fabric cutouts, and small cupid figurines can add a lot of beauty to your wreath. So whether your talent is sewing, knitting, crocheting, or using a glue gun, you can make a beautiful, personal and very sentimental Valentine's wreath to treasure for years to come.

Healthy Living for You and Your Children

We all want what is best for our children. In my case, it has been very important to me right from the beginning that my son live a healthy lifestyle. I didn't exactly know back when he was first born what all that would entail, but I have learned three essential rules that I believe promote healthy living for the whole family. *Eat a nutritional and well-balanced diet. Before my son was able to eat "real" food, I never put much thought into the quality of food I was eating and/or preparing for our meals. Once he was able to join us for meal time and ask/beg for food, I realized very quickly that the food I provided for us ALL had to be healthy. I could no longer feed him the "good stuff" while my husband and I inhaled a greasy pizza. He wanted to eat what Mommy and Daddy were eating so things had to change – FAST!

This wasn't as difficult as I had expected. I simply sat down and made a list of the foods I wanted him to eat based on their nutritional content – this included lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and very little processed and sugary foods. The next time I went to the grocery store I stuck to that list. Whenever I had the urge to throw in a box of cookies or potato chips I just asked myself, "Is this something I want my son eating?" Most of the time the answer was "NO" so I would keep on walking by. I'm happy to say that my son eats a very healthy diet. Instead of begging for candy or chips, he begs for bananas, grapes, and blueberries…SERIOUSLY! The bonus to all this is that my husband and I are eating healthier and feel great. Being a good example for our son has benefited us as well! *Get moving. As with everything I'm discussing here, it's all about being a good example for our kids. They so much want to be just like us, that they will do EXACTLY what we do, whether it's good or bad. If we show our kids from a young age that exercise is fun and worthwhile, they will enjoy it as well. My son is now two years old and loves to dance, chase bubbles, run with his dogs, and go for walks. These are things he already enjoys doing and when we do them together, we both get a great workout!

*Drink plenty of water. Some parents probably think I'm crazy but my son is over two years old and has probably only had juice 4 or 5 times. He went directly from breastfeeding to milk and water. Occasionally I will give him some watered down orange juice because, of course, he sees Mommy drinking it and wants to be just like me. But in general he only drinks water. He doesn't beg for soda because he doesn't know what he's missing and that is fine with me! Plus, he sees Mommy and Daddy drinking water all day long so he knows it's the "cool" thing to do.

The most important thing I've learned in these 2 short years is how impressionable children are. They want nothing more than to be just like us. It's quite an honor, actually. But also a great responsibility. I believe that by following these three simple rules my entire family will be healthier and most importantly, my son will grow up having already developed healthy living habits. I hope you find these tips helpful and I wish you and your family very healthy living!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Beds and the Art of Online Bed Shopping

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With the right method bed knowledge might easily be accessed extremely rapidly, if you take your time when implementing your bed research and you will not go far wrong, if you need specialized advice on merchandise like bunk bed frames then see if you can find a number of expert bed reviews.

The way to find out if a bed website might be able to help you with your particular bed search, pretend for a moment a wholesale murphy bed is your specific item, is to discover if the site contains a categorised bed section and a good number of bed articles, if in fact it does supply this type of things then obtaining a bed that is suitable will be easy, if however the site is about a common home improvement topic then it is unlikely you will come up with your required bed targeted help.

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A large amount of bed targeted guides you will locate online are all about assisting people to buy specific bed items such as metal frame twin beds and king size bed frames, searching for this type of bed guidance can often turn out to be very frustrating indeed.

It can be you purchase a and afterwards see that the bed site you got it from was not supplying it at the lowest price, to be confident that this never happens another time try to make sure you make an online price comparison or check out a decent mutlitude of bed online stores first, it could be a king iron bed canopy is selling for a set cost on one particular site however is five percent lower on a competitors site, some good deals can be found if you take the time to look.
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Before you contemplate any bed purchase be sure that the bedding merchant you could be buying your product from gives you the opinion that obtaining a refund and merchandise returns will not turn out to be a hassle, switching or part exchanging a wrought iron day bed for a twin loft bed must never turn into a real issue.

A sizeable number of bed associated searches may buy have led you to a bed or interior design focused site, searches like "find heavy duty bed frames" or "reviews on water bed sheets", the main secret with any home improvement directory is to go straight to the site menu, if you take this advice you should not be side tracked because of bed reviews which are not connected to the bed you require.

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The easiest way to tell if a bed site may be able to assist you with your particular bed search, lets say that a double bed frame is your specific item, is to learn if the site contains a targeted bed directory and a fair number of bed articles, provided it does supply these types of things then you are clearly in with a chance, if however the site is targeted at a general interior design subject you are perhaps less likely to get your required bed related guidance.

The way to find out if a bed portal will hopefully be able to help you with your selected bed search, pretend for a moment a wood bed frame is your particular item, is to find out if the site contains a targeted bed directory and a good quantity of bed write ups, if this is the case and it does contain such things your search for a bed will be easy, if on the other hand the website is focused on a general home improvement subject you will probably not obtain your desired bed related info.
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