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Friday, February 18, 2011

new home sewing machine

If you are a home-sewer with an older non-computerized sewing machine, some of the problems with that machine are insurmountable at times! Trust me, I know; because I used to have one of those machines myself! In fact, I had 3 of those types of sewing machines, and the frustration in getting these machines to work properly was prevalent in my sewing life! Now I have a computerized model of a sewing machine and it has its own type of problems. First, it has to be serviced by a qualified technician after so many hours of use. There is no warning suddenly, it decides it won't work properly anymore so you know you have to take it to a technician.

However, before my fancy computerized model of sewing machine, I tried everything I knew to do to fix those machines - without success about 99% of the time! Finally, after years of frustration with my machines, I found an older gentleman who was willing to explain some things to me - mind you, I said explain, not show me! I had taken one of my old machines in to get fixed and he asked me if I had slipped the clutch. I don't think you want the look he got from me. My first thought was, where would a clutch be on a sewing machine - mine is old! Ignoring my look that freeze anyone, he told me that this was the most common problem on an older non-computerized sewing machine. It was easy to fix, or so he informed me, and it only took 5 minutes. By this time, I thought I should leave the room or I wasn't responsible for what would happen. I then proceeded to ask him why technicians keep your machine for up to 3 weeks if it is a 5 minute job? He couldn't answer my question!

I went home and tried this on one of my other sewing machines and it worked like a charm! So, at this point, I will try to explain this concept to you. Make sure you try this if you are having sewing machine problems (e.g., missing stitches or any of the common problems). First, you remove your bobbin from your sewing machine. Try to take all the parts out - there should be two individual pieces. If you can't remember how you took them out, take heart, they only fit in one way! Next, take a soft brush and brush all the dust and loose threads out of there. You'll be surprised at how much that small area can hold!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

design house kitchens

There are many kitchen design ideas and I will offer my opinions to help guide you design the best kitchen ever. The kitchen has become the most important room of the home; therefore its design must fit your family's lifestyle. Long ago, it was primarily the place for cooking/storing food, however in today's homes, it is the gathering place. It has become the central focal point of the home. More money is spent on the kitchen than any other room of the home.

The first kitchen design idea to consider is its layout. It needs to be functional as well as beautiful. One older method of designing the layout is the work triangle. The range, sink and refrigerator would form the points of this "work triangle" therefore creating an area that would make cooking & cleaning easier. One issue with this concept is only one person typically would fit in this triangle. Today, cooking is usually a family event with socializing therefore its design should take this into account.

Designers now use a zone design that accounts for more than one person in the kitchen at a time. This creates multiple cooking areas. Separate cook tops & ovens and sometimes they will install two sinks, one for prep and the other for clean-up.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Basics of Home Design Trends For 2011

There are a great many people out there that are looking for a new home design. Due to this, there are an equally great number of websites that are trying to cater to that desire. They do this by offering a variety of ideas for designs to help you find what you want better. It is the basic idea of supply and demand. If there is a demand for something, then someone will supply the product or service.

Creating your new home design is dependent on a variety of things. One of these variants is whether you are looking to do it yourself of if you are want to have a professional to do it for you. Doing it on your own can save you a lot of money in the end, but it can be more stressful on you. Having a professional do it for you will help to decrease the amount of stress that you are under from the process, but it does cost more. Once you have made this choice you will have a more specific direction to look for the help that you need.

If you are choosing a do it yourself home design then one of the first things you will need to do after making this decision is to get an idea of what you want your home design to look like. This can be done by looking at websites, magazines, and other sources of media that can give you ideas. As was previously mentioned, there is always someone willing to supply what people are wanting. This means that there are a number of places to find your inspiration if you just look.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

home recording studio design

Home Recording Studio Design - The Computer

Personally I love the slick white feel of a Mac Book, and I have also recently got an iMac with an extra two gigs of Ram for ultra speedy home editing.

The other great benefit of a Mac is that it comes with Garage Band which for me is a big player in the recording software market. (More on this later)

Home Recording Studio Design - The Microphone

The nicest cheap Microphone I have found so far is a Studio Projects B1, this is a great little condenser Microphone that is very versatile and can take a good beating. (Which is good for me because I get very passionate and angry during recordings and wimpy little Mics don't stand a chance!!!) I once spent $5000 on a really nice Neumann Microphone only to drop the thing plum on the floor and break it in the first day of use.

Home Recording Studio Design - Audio Interface

This is basically what you need to make your guitar or voice show up inside a computer and make those wavy lines on the screen. I like the Mbox as it has a couple of inputs and is nice and compact.

Home Recording Studio Design - Midi controller

When I want to add some string or maybe a sexy bass guitar I fire up my M Audio keyboard and use a program called Reason which gives me access to over a thousand really nice quality samples; a must if you have an ambitious sound in mind and do not have access to an army of session musicians.

Monday, February 7, 2011

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Problems at day care

Many parents complain about the problems faced by their children at the day care centers. Parents complain that their child is not ready to go to day care center. To top it, the child misbehaves at the center and possesses erratic behavior when brought home. These are normal problems associated with children going to day care centers.

Always remember one thing - your child is actually crying for you. She has that terrifying thought of missing her parent for the whole day. Her child brain doesn't allow her to think of being away from her parents for such a long time. This psychological problem should be handled with care. Save yourself with some time in the morning with your child before starting for work. These few minutes will be great for the child. Talk about the great things that will happen to the child in the day care center. Discourage your child from thinking of negative things about the day care center.

Reach the center earlier than the stipulated time and spend few minutes with the child at the center. Try to get involved your child in some creative activity of her choice. Always sport a smile on your face - this will give the impression to the child that the center is a nice place full of fun. Try to meet persons out there with warmness. Spend few extra minutes with the person loved most by your child at the center. Child will be normal within few minutes of your departure from the scene.

Picking up child in the evening time is a mix of challenging situations - child is happy that the day has ended and that tomorrow is not far away. Child may start building the background for missing the tomorrow to day care center. This requires the maximum management skills on your part. Talk to the child about good things happened in the day at the center. Spend some quality time with the child in the evening.

If your child doesn't adjust herself even after few months, its time to take a call on the situation. You may have to opt for special day care for your child. This may come in the form of home care, nanny or a college student. Let the child get adjusted in the homely setting, and then switch to a day care center after some time. It is worth remembering that you may have to work on child separation some time before these facilities are actually used.
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