Landscaping is also a very important component Standing water can be very hazardous to the health of a home's foundation. Downspouts must also be maintained to ensure the rain that falls onto your house runs away from the property. There are all kinds of available systems to keep the gutters covered, cleaned and free from the larger debris. Cleaning the roofs, gutters, eaves and downspouts of a house are another very important part of exterior home maintenance.

Keeping the paint and caulk around your house's windows fresh will keep many of these problems at bay. If there is water leaking behind the window seal and behind the fascia of the house, you can eventually have very large problems with how structurally sound your house is. Water sitting or draining poorly off of your windowsills can cause immeasurable damage for the windows, not to mention the entire house. Water leaking into the house is will damage both your interior and exterior.
If air is able to either come in or out of your house you are wasting valuable and expensive energy, both in the summer and winter. While you are cleaning your windowsills, it is very important to inspect the seals for any leaks. Exterior projects that require timely maintenance include windowsill, gutter and downspout cleaning. There are the major maintenance and repair jobs that need to be done regularly; then there are the more aesthetic, decorative projects that are often more fun and creative. When considering exterior improvements, there are many basic areas that deserve a great deal of attention.
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