Bridal Accessories Accessories for the bride can be a never ending list but some of the You can today be so creative with the Bomboniere with theme styled favour boxes, place cards, sweet bags, stir sticks, bubble bottles, coasters, magnets, key chains, etc. Wedding Bomboniere & Favours Wedding Bomboniere and favours are an essential part of the wedding as they are what first greet your guests when they settle down for the reception party. You will require sweets and mints too if you want to place them in wedding Bomboniere like in mesh bags or favour boxes.

Some are comical where as some are romantic and sweet, so choose as per your liking. Today you get many styles of the bride and groom figurines. Cake toppers are equally important as no wedding cake is complete without them. Make sure you book your wedding cake in advance as it is possible that a cake as per your liking might not be available at a later date. Some important Wedding Essentials for your list. Cakes & Confectionery The wedding cake is an important part of your wedding celebrations.
Try to complete in advance so that you will have plenty of time to relax and unwind. Work your way down so that you know by the end you have covered everything. Start the list with the most important and the items that will take the longest or need to be done first. It is the best if you make a list of all the things you need to plan out for the wedding.
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