Often these homes have From the centrally located front entrance, a hallway and staircase form an axis around which interior rooms are positioned. These European home plans look quite formal, they are square and symmetrical in shape, with both exteriors and interiors arranged according to a strict proportion and symmetry. In the southern colonies Georgian homes were constructed of brick, but as you move northward toward New England where brick was not as common wood frame construction dominates. East Coast, still Colonial Williamsburg is the most notable example particularly the College of William and Mary's President's house, a stately brick mansion with perfect balance, symmetry and formality, which was finished in 1733 and has been home to all of the presidents of that university for three centuries.

While colonial homes in the Georgian style can be found in practically every old community on the U.S. It became the dominant architectural style throughout the American colonies in the 18th century. English settlers in America were inspired by the elaborate Georgian style homes which were being built in the mother country, and tried to reproduce the lifestyle of the wealthy nobility back home. The style has roots in both the classical architectural styles of ancient Greece and Rome and also the Italian renaissance style.
Based upon the classical symmetry of the Renaissance, Georgian house plans became quite the rage in the New England and Southern colonies during the 18th century. The Georgian style home is best described as being orderly and symmetrical, with a rectangular shape and formally symmetrical exteriors and interiors.
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